detail from the Wilton Diptych - subject of September lecture

    2017 PROGRAMME

Date Subject Speaker
18 January 2017 Three great families and their gardens: a history of the Astors, the Rothschilds and the Sackville Wests Caroline Rayman
22 February 2017 The most infamous family in history - the Borgias Sarah Dunant
15 March 2017 Signs and symbols: the hidden messages in art Valerie Woodgate
19 April 2017 Mr Langshaw's square piano Madeline Goold
17 May 2017 The story of the Cook sisters and how they used opera to save lives Anne Sebba
21 June 2017 An introduction to the history of photography Sally Hoban
20 September 2017 The Wilton Diptych and the artistic culture of Richard II's reign Mark Cottle
18 October 2017 The sacred art of Burma Denise Heywood
29 November 2017 AGM at 9.45am followed by
Frost fairs on the frozen Thames
Nicholas Reed
17 January 2018 Klimt and the Viennese succession - "a kiss for all the world" Douglas Skeggs

What is NADFAS?

Founded in 1968 by Patricia Fay, NADFAS is an arts-based charity, with over 340 local Decorative and Fine Art Societies in the UK and Mainland Europe. All NADFAS Societies subscribe to the aims and objects of the National Association: the advancement of arts education and appreciation and the preservation of our artistic heritage. NADFAS promotes these aims through lectures on the fine and decorative arts in their widest sense, through study days, visits and tours and through volunteering activities, such as Church Recorders, Heritage Volunteers and Young Arts and the giving of grants.