Welcome to The Arts Society Welwyn Garden

The Welwyn Garden Society meets monthly on variable Wednesdays at the Hawthorne Theatre (formerly Campus West),in Welwyn Garden City.
Lectures begin at 10.30 am, and members are requested to take their seats by 10.20 am. Coffee is available in the foyer from 10.00 am.

Meetings are held monthly, with the exception of July, August and December.

In addition to our programme of lectures we arrange outings, days of special interest, and tours, details of which will be published shortly

How to join the Society

Those interested in becoming a member of the Society should contact the Membership Secretary, Mrs Kathryn Burgess,

by post to 3 Aston Grange, Parker Avenue, Hertford SG14 3JX,
by telephone: 01992 500947,

The annual membership fee for the current year (2018) is £44, which enables us to invite an extremely high calibre of speaker.

New members are very welcome, as are visitors to individual lectures, subject to availability of space, the admission charge being £9 per session.

AS logo

The Arts Society

With its 50th anniversary in 2018, NADFAS has been rebranded as The Arts Society to make a clearer statement about the nature of the organisation.
As The Arts Society the arts can be brought to more people in more ways, making the most of the network already in place, but also engaging with a new generation.


Founded in 1968 by Patricia Fay, NADFAS is an arts-based charity, with over 340 local Decorative and Fine Art Societies in the UK and beyond. All NADFAS Societies subscribe to the aims and objects of the National Association: the advancement of arts education and appreciation and the preservation of our artistic heritage.
NADFAS promotes these aims through lectures on the fine and decorative arts in their widest sense, through study days, visits and tours and through volunteering activities, such as Church Recorders, Heritage Volunteers and Young Arts.