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Wednesday 15th June 2016 - The Georgian House around the world - Roger Mitchell

Between 1720 and 1850 one of Britain's most successful exports was the Georgian House. Elegant and versatile, and particularly suitable for hot climates and a wide variety of building materials, the Georgian House was all about balance and symmetry.

The key criterion was that houses should reflect Georgian Society - convenient and polite – people knowing their place and knowing the rules. Georgian houses were all about balance and symmetry, built for the rising middle classes - doctors, lawyers and other members of polite society.

British or local architects might provide plans but a carpenter or bricklayer equipped with a pattern book could produce a satisfactory product.

Starting in the British Isles, where Liverpool has more listed Georgian houses than Bath, we then cross the Atlantic to the American Colonies. Finally we travel to the far side of the world to the Sandwich Islands and Australasia returning via South Africa and Menorca.

about our lecturer:

Roger Mitchell studied History at Oxford and Fine Art at Leeds. He was awarded Churchill Fellowship to travel and study in USA.
A former college Vice-Principal he now lectures for University of Liverpool and for Adult Residential Colleges.
He organises and leads country house study tours, and tries to find time for research at Chatsworth.